Tourist ticket
Passengers can use a Tourist Ticket to travel on public transportation in Pilsen - central zone P. The returnable ticket is issued against a CZK 100 deposit.
Tourist Tickets can be purchased at PMDP Customer Service Centres and the City of Pilsen Information Centre.
You can top up your Tourist Ticket with prepaid fare for 1–17 days or e-money as desired up to a total of CZK 3,500.
Prepaid fare
There are two types of prepaid fare: basic fare and reduced (-50%) fare for children aged 6 - 15 and students under 26.
You must prove you are entitled to reduced fare when you purchase the Tourist Ticket and when a ticket checker in the vehicle asks you to present your ticket (Children 6-15 years old - an identification card showing the date of birth and photo, student card; Youth between the ages of 15 and 18 - a valid personal document, civil card or passport or a Pilsen card with an activated claim; Students over 18 years - valid student card, valid ISIC student card or Pilsen card with activated entitlement)
If you top up your Tourist Ticket with prepaid fare, you can take any form of public transportation throughout Pilsen as often as you want and you don’t have to take it out and tap it against the ticket reader.
Fare prices valid from 1 January 2025:
Number of days | Basic fare (CZK) | Reduced fare (CZK) |
1 | 72 | 36 |
2 | 140 | 70 |
3 | 194 | 97 |
4 | 246 | 123 |
5 | 294 | 147 |
6 | 330 | 165 |
7 | 366 | 183 |
8 | 396 | 198 |
9 | 422 | 211 |
10 | 442 | 221 |
11 | 466 | 233 |
12 | 482 | 241 |
13 | 498 | 249 |
14 | 516 | 258 |
15 | 528 | 264 |
16 | 540 | 270 |
17 | 550 | 275 |
If you top up your Tourist Ticket with e-money, you must use the Tourist Ticket to purchase fare from the Cardman ticketing machine inside the public transportation vehicle. The tickets purchased from the Cardman are transfer tickets. You can find price of transfer tickets here.
The Tourist Ticket can be returned to any PMDP sales outlet. If you have a remainder on your e-wallet, the amount will be returned to you at no extra fee. The amount you paid upon receipt of the ticket will also be returned to you if you return an undamaged Tourist Ticket.