Quality System and Certifications
Quality management certification system
Our company has had a certified quality management system in conformance with EN ISO 9001 in place since 2006.
In 2015 we successfully completed the third recertification audit for the quality management system which resulted in certification in conformance with EN ISO 9001:2008, valid till 8 June 2018.
Certification is currently issued by Det Norske Veritas for the following areas:
- Regular and irregular public transport, building and maintenance of railway track, implementation and operation of an electronic multifunctional card system, operation of a driving school, operation of freight transport and sales of fuel.
This prestigious certificate is attests that our company is qualified to provide services that meet customer requirements and is proof that the company has created sufficient organisational, technical and staffing conditions to provide excellent services.
We are aware of our responsibility to our surroundings. To be able to systematically manage and reduce our environmental impact, we are also implementing an environmental management system in conformance with EN ISO 14000 integrated with the quality management system.
Green Company (“Zelená firma“) cetificate
Taking part in the „Green Company“ project, our company enables its employees to ecologically discard small household appliances and batteries. Being involved in the project, the company considerably extends its environmental protection activities.
The aim of the “Green Company” project is environmental protection conducted by collecting and effective recycling of electric appliances that often contain mercury, lead, cadmium, bromine flame retardants and others, and a large amount of recyclable and reusable materials.
Employees can discard used household appliances into collection boxes placed by the lodges to facilities at Cukrovarská Street 19, Slovanská Alej and the Hydro building at Denisovo nábřeží 12. The project also enables our company to recycle the company´s bulky electro-waste.
The fact that our company is involved in the “Green Company” project shows that our company thoughts are ecological not only in relation to our employees but also to the public. The above-mentioned activity represents a next step in achieving our long-term goal – decreasing environmental damage. At the same time, we provide our employees with a special benefit: the possibility of recycling small “household” electro-waste.
The project initiator is the company Rema System, a.s. which provides organisation of collection, sorting, treatment and recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in the Czech Republic.
The Green Company certificate for Pilsen City Transport Company can be downloaded here: